
Neighbors helping neighbors stay neighbors
in Happy Valley and Clackamas

A new village is forming in Happy Valley/Clackamas to provide older adults with ways to comfortably age-in-place. Sunnyside East Village is a vibrant community of seniors helping each other live independently. Our mission is to build a community that supports its members in their desire to age-in-place, gives its volunteers meaningful ways to serve others, and creates opportunities for social connection.

Sunnyside East Village is part of a national movement to embrace the strategy of bringing services to people rather than moving people to services. We're making plans to join Villages NW, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with ten other villages in its network.


During the organizational phase, there are opportunities to volunteer to help set up the Village, including publicity, event planning, and outreach. After we launch the Village, volunteers will provide services such as transportation to appointments and shopping; in-home assistance with housekeeping and yard work; and help with technology.


The Village is made up of a vibrant community of seniors who are intent on enjoying life. Social, educational, and recreational activities  present opportunities to meet like-minded seniors for coffees, book groups, potlucks, group walks, bike riding, crafting sessions, happy hours, games, classes, and more.

Receive services

When Sunnyside East Village launches, volunteers will provide a variety of services to members, including transportation to shopping and appointments, occasional help with housekeeping,  technology assistance, friendly visits and telephone check-in, organizing and decluttering, and non-medical assistance with home recovery.

Aging better together

Recent news

Our September Coffee Break: 9/6/24

Please join us for the Sunnyside East Village September Coffee Break event on Friday, September 6, 2024, 9:30 am at New Seasons Market in Happy Valley. We're making plans to increase our outreach efforts by making presentations to clubs, churches, and a wide range of Happy Valley and Clackamas community organizations. Please join us to learn more!

We will be gathering for our Coffee Break in the New Seasons Market cafe area, just inside the store, which is located at 15861 SE Happy Valley Town Center Drive, Happy Valley.

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